Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Go to the other one!

2 new posts already up today on the other site. I think the name is sticking.....


Monday, December 5, 2011

Other site!

Another new post on the other site and one more coming your way this evening!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

New post on the other site! Check it out!

New title?

Hey guys,

I'm trying out a newly titled blog, inspired by a friend of mine who wanted to wear ridiculous looking, but very comfortable boots, out and about in the city tonight.

So...for my next posts...check out the blog below. All the same content and format. Will double post on both sites till I figure out which one to keep!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Other people's stuff

(Closet visit)
(Closet visit)

I love blogs where you can peek at other people's stuff. Outfits, homes, closets, etc. And the ones invariably titled, "What's in my bag/purse."  There is, I admit, a definite voyeuristic component,  but I think it relates more to wanting to passively absorb something into your life just by looking. Do I like every one elses stuff?  No, not necessarily. Do I sometimes admire how efficient or excessive one's belongings can amount to?  Definitely. I think it has to do more with wanting to have an overall character to the totality of your "stuff," a collection of things that tells a story, as opposed to the frivolity of the individual pieces themselves.

Oh, and I love a good Top 5 Must haves list. But that's for another day.

My favorite sites, in no particular order:

The Selby
The Coveteur
Closet Visit
Bluefly closet confessions (esp. Bethenny Frankel's video)
Elle decor celebrity closets
I am packed
The Sartorialist (duh, of course =))

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sneakers + bracelets

Upcoming trip to L.A. + back injury = NEW SHOES! (flat ones, of course)

I've been obsessing over these and can't pick just one. In my search for the perfect pair I also happened 
upon these awesome bracelets, which if you'll care to notice, have matching gold or red accents to each and every shoe. Comfy on the feet, fancy on the wrist. 

I envision that these will be super helpful running through the airport, get lots of mileage on the West Coast for a couple days and then once I'm back, could be paired with my black wool coat + jeans to keep me going through the winter into spring. Its been such a long time since I've worn sneakers though, that I don't even remember how they fare in snow, rain and puddles. Weatherproofing sneakers? Sounds strange but will have to look it up.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Consignment 101

(stubbs & wootton)

Yesterday, I had my first foray into consigning items from my closet. They took from me:

1 Theory dress
1 Theory pant
1 Calypso sweater
1 White & Warren sweater

Hopefully these pieces sell and I will get a nice check in the mail soon. I also discovered that since items rotate pretty frequently, my dresses that fit the bill for spring would be accepted in a couple of months, but not during peak holiday/winter season.  Back to storage they go.  Or perhaps to ebay.

On a sidenote....they didn't want my shoes!  I believe the exact quote was "too conservative, and in an unpopular size."  I'll admit, I do like my shoes flat and my foot well covered, but hey, I'm a size 6.5-7 which I thought was just a little smaller than a normal American foot! Call me below average or below par, but not unpopular or unlikeable!  My feet are sad and insulted, but still fashionably attired.